夜孩子,你要小心了,你好像开始成为这样的人了 。
五年开一番不是很难 - really true. A bit of luck, a bit of diligence, some common sense thinking and patience.
The difficult part is to commit a huge capital on it. Like putting 5 times your annual salary as capital to it, and watch it return you another 5 years worth of salary in the next 5 years. Anyone who had committed equivalent of let's say 1 year of annual salary in capital into one or 2 particular stock will understand what I mean.
heamq had this post in cari:
For him to start that post, and to be thinking about the size of capital, and from his bkawan 95% capital commitment, I can understand that he might probably had the same issue I faced. Committing capital in excess of your annual income, and seeing it rolling can be deceivingly easy and difficult at the same time. This, in my humble opinion, is issue ought to be faced generally by employee class investor. Businessman class investor would typically are more able to overcome this, as they had got used to the business mental hurdle.
李嘉诚有说过,他曾经跟某人分享过致富的秘诀。他说,如果我们(香港人)能每个月存HKD 1200,一年存 HKD 14400,然后每年都把这钱投资在 20% 回酬的投资上,四十年后,你就是亿万富翁。那个人不信,一年一万四,四十年自己总共才投入五十多万,能够变亿万?结果,那个人跟着他的方法去做,遵守了这 个方法十年。之后回来指责李嘉诚骗人,他说他的确做到了,每年存一万四,每年20%,但十年了,他才只有三十六万,投资的岁月已有四十年的25%了,距离 亿万还差330倍那么远,骗人。
实际上,李嘉诚没有骗人。如果那个人持续保持到二十年,也才只有两百六十万,到了三十年,有一千七百万,才勉强挤上千万富翁,到了三十五年,有四千两百 万,唯有到四十年,才有一亿零五百万。所以这里可见,同样是十年,同样每年存十四千,同样每年20%回酬,第一个十年与最后一个十年,有天壤之别。如果你 有本事存钱,有本事达到双位数回酬,但无法看到复利的魔力,原因只在于你不肯付出时间。巴菲特从二十岁投资到目前八十岁,时间长达六十年。投资功力深厚是 原因之一,但最大的因数是因为他用了复利六十年的魔力啊!
Kakuriyo Ramen @ Pulau Tikus (Jalan Burmah), Penang
16 hours ago
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